Friday, December 28, 2007

Day 44

Sea Day. Sea days on holiday cruises are a subtle game of hide and don’t seek. Last night before going to bed I watched my DVD of Bourne Ultimatum. Today I woke up and watched Bourne Ultimatum on one of the ship’s movie channels. I also managed to get some choice pics of “the passenger element”…go to flickr and check it out.

It was pretty easy going today up until night time. We had two improv shows and headed down to the Fyzz lounge. That place was happenin’. A lot of the JARs were down there and Deanna and I were pretty sure that was why it was so packed…it just had the air of “place to hang out” because of them. We had a lot of people come chat with us. My favorite thing was a kid who was 12 or 13 dancing with a girl. He had one move and that was it, but he was the most confident kid. I got him on video and may get it up on youtube.

The teens are getting more and more restless. 5 day cruises are for teens. Keep that in mind if you’re bringing teens on a ship…7 days max.

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