Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Day 42

Barbados. It is a show night so I didn’t go into town. We were all a little tired after doing a crew show at midnight the night before. I don’t think I went to bed until 3:30 or so. So…we stayed on the ship. I’m really stretching to remember things. I forgot to write at the end of the day.

Deanna went up to deck 14 outside and sunbathed…or “sun baked” as the Aussies call it.

She got back to the room around 2:30 or so and fell asleep. We had a 4:30 rehearsal. I was watching Casino Royale extras and really started to crash. I set my alarm…barely…and was out.

We rehearsed, we did shows. The first one was my particular favorite this time around. Tomorrow we teach a workshop.

Pretty easy.

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