Sunday, February 24, 2008

Day 102

Originally uploaded by Rance Rizzutto Photography
Miami, FL. Today we started off by going through immigration. Since we started of this journey with passenger status we would just go on and off the ship with the passengers and every Miami day that meant going through immigration and customs. Well, since we signed on as crew at the beginning of our last cruise we had to go through the “new crew sign-on immigration”…something you only have to do when you sign on, sign off for your contract, and random times in between your contract. Unfortunately this meant waiting for all of the passengers to go through…and some were lollygaggin’. There were about three or four “final” announcements for passengers to please leave the ship. Once they finally did then the in-transit (a.k.a. “back to back”) passengers went through, then us. It seemed to take a while, but we made it.

We met up with Brett Lyons and Vanessa Turpentine (not her real last name…I can’t think of it) and hung out around town at our usual spots. It was great seeing familiar faces from Chicago.

I did laundry and ended up taking a nap. Still sick. Apparently this is a common flu strain going around the nation. Jen has it, I have it, I think Larrance and Deanna too. It is more annoying than anything.

It didn’t stop us from playing Settlers again…Cities and Knights. Jen dominated the game with her long road, thanks in part to what Deanna and I might call “Larrance’s favoritism”. He was really screwing us over and letting Jen run free.

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