Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Day 91

Originally uploaded by Rance Rizzutto Photography
Grand Cayman. Well, it is day 91 and it has finally happened. I caught a cold. Today I didn’t get off the ship. I stayed in and rested. We had our improv shows tonight and I didn’t want to spend too much energy on the island. Which also means I didn’t do a whole lot.

I was feeling ok by the time we had shows. We had a fun scene where the suggestion was something about teenage penguins. Jen was a peguin in a high school and she was trying to pretend to be a girl, but Deanna called her out on it. I figured I would be a seal trying to be a boy who was in love with Jen’s character…not realizing she was a penguin and therefore, dinner. So, I entered the scene in a seal-like manner asking Jen out to the dance. One of them called me a walrus, so I stayed a walrus. Later Deanna (the human in the scene) said she had a ball and through it to me (wanting me to catch it on my nose). I watched the ball go by and said “what the hell do you think I am? A seal?!” I mean, the nerve! Right?

After that I pretty much went back to my room and attempted to sleep…but The Prestige was on…so I was up until 2:00.

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