Thursday, February 14, 2008

Day 92

Originally uploaded by Rance Rizzutto Photography
Sea/Valentine’s Day. Happy Sea/Valentine’s Day! Today was a mix of the gym, dance lessons, and eating at Cagney’s Steakhouse (finally).

Deanna and I have nearly gotten to the point with swing dancing that we can just dance to a song. Progress!

While walking to a meal today a lady stopped us and said “Hey! We’re from Chicago!” She then said to me, “You’re much better looking in person!” To which I replied, “Yeah, I’m really ugly on stage.” This is the first time I’VE gotten something like this. Usually Jen gets that she looks younger in person. So, basically, the stage makes us gross.

So, tonight we went to Cagney’s for dinner. We had to make reservations…which you can make between 7am-5pm on the day you would like to eat. I set my alarm for 7:00am…and then reset it for 10:00 hoping I would wake up naturally early like usual. I woke up at 7:13…thirteen minutes after the start time for reservations. I got up, I called, it was booked up until 9:30pm. I took it. Everything from 5:30-9:30 booked in 13 minutes? Insane. Anyhow, we got there and there were a lot of loud talkers. It was seeming like it would be an awkward dinner at best…until magic happened.

There were two couples sitting together at a table near us. Out of the blue I hear something hit the table, like silverware dropped in disgust. One guy (youger couples…in their 20s) stands up and his chair falls back onto the ground. He exclaims to the restaurant, “Love sucks, everyone! Valentine’s Day is shit!” and walks out. The woman pauses just a moment and then walks out after him. The look on her face was not of sadness nor anger, but of “huh?” It quieted the place down, that’s for sure. After a long 60 seconds the guy remaining at the table with HIS date said “Everything is okay with Love.” Good times.

Tomorrow we have to get up early to hit Miami. We have to be back on the ship by 11:30 to sign off as passengers and sign ON as CREW!

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