Monday, January 07, 2008

Day 54

Road Town, Tortola. Split decision. Yesterday Jen and Larrance said they were going to go to the botanical gardens when we got to Tortola. So, that is what I was mentally prepared for. At breakfast they said they were going to go to a beach. What? Well, Andy and I were preprogrammed for gardens so we took our cameras and headed out.

There were a lot of little lizards, some cool spiders, and plant life of course. See pics.

That was about all we did. After getting back on the ship it was time for rehearsal and then shows. The shows went really well. Both audiences really had us worried. Usually there is a good amount of applause when the “show is starting” announcement happened…nothin’. But, by the time we got a few sketches in they were loving it. A lot of the JARs came to the first show and a few to the second. Support = good.

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