Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Title Change

I'm ditchin' the "Day #" while I'm back at home.

The rest of the day was good. We checked out the place I'm using for photography and it is sweet. It's a theater. To say more is to let other photographers know of it's existance, and it is hard enough to book as is...so...it's good.

We ate at a cafe near where we used to live. I REALLY miss morning breakfast buffet. All I really ate was oatmeal, eggs, and yogurt (unless there were only plain or peach yogurts...which was pretty much our entire final cruise)...but I ate it minutes after waking up...MINUTES. I already started slipping back into my old eating habits. I wake up, get online to check email, one thing leads to another and it's 3pm and I'm starving. We at least got out of the house at noon...so only a couple hours before I ate a big breakfast. From food we went to the bank, Walgreens for lotion. Lotion. Our skin got almost instantly dry when we got back. I took a shower and my face was all dry after that. So, we're keeping moisturized.

Then it was off to Caribou coffee. Deanna wanted to write before we went to our writing class...I know...weird, right (write)? They have free internet there so I worked on website.

Finally, at 3pm we were at our writing class. Everyone was supposed to have written a two-liner for each day, based on Tribune headlines. I don't know many people in the class, but there are some good writers in there already. One woman in particular has a very specific and original point of view, and an interesting style of delivery...Deanna and I were enjoying her stuff a lot.

From there we went to Jewel to buy some groceries. I basically picked up oatmeal, eggs, and yogurt. I just want to start my day with breakfast. If I have the food to do that I'm ok for getting sandwiches or whatever while being out and about.

Tomorrow we make copies of keys, go to storage, and if I'm lucky...hit the gym!

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