Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Day 112

Originally uploaded by Rance Rizzutto Photography
Barbados. Today we got up a little earlier than usual and headed to Folkston beach. This is where everyone went last Barbados day when I was feeling sick. The day started off sour with some attitudes and such. Last time it was $15 roundtrip to taxi to the beach. Our guy said he would take us there for $8 one way, and on the way there he was saying that the trip back would be $10. We didn’t ask him to pick us up. Last time they got beach chairs for free. This time the guy wanted $5 per chair. I was already pretty fed up from the cab ride so I walked away from the chairs. Oh, David and Alesia went with us. They, along with Deanna, talked the guy down in price. The snorkeling was rumored to be awesome so I got in the water with my camera right away…it was cloudy out which equals crappy photos under water. Luckily there were breaks of sun. I was counting on the snorkeling to help change my mood. I saw a HUGE school of fish and followed them around for awhile. No one was with me so they missed it.

I then got out and lied in the sun for a while. Mood still not totally changed. After a while I got back in and Jen called me over. “Squid!” I stayed around them long enough for the sun to come out. They were amazing…there were about 10 or more of them, and they swam side by side in a perfect row with about a foot of space between each other. That made the trip for me.

On our way back we stopped at a rum plant called Mount Gay Rum. They had a tour that was free for crew. Jen, Larrance, and Andy wanted to shop at their gift shop. They said to take the tour. Another random person there said “DEFINITELY take the tour! It’s so worth it!” So, Deanna and I did. It was a small talk about the history, followed by a 10 minute movie on the brewing process, followed by us being allowed in a tiny viewing area of the bottling process, followed by a tasting. I barely ever drink and I don’t drink rum for sure. If I would have paid money I would have been pissed. Since it was free it is simply 30 minutes I’ll never get back.

We had a new juggling act on tonight. Brothers from Other Mothers. They were pretty good. I enjoyed their tie-ins…the bits they did in between juggling acts to keep the show flowing.

At the end of the night there was a crew party. Crew parties always have a theme and this one was gender-bender. Part of the party was Ship n Males…the male strip show. Some of the crew never get to see it so they did the show at the party. The ultimate highlight for me was when Jon got up to strip to his usual song…after about 10 seconds or so of his normal song (some U2 song) the music switched to “I’m a Barbie girl in a Barbie world.” The entire audience laughed and Jon walked off stage. Later his normal song started again and he came back, but he was mad. It made my night. It was hilarious.

Now I’m sitting here in bed watching Prestige (great movie) and listening to Deanna hiccup loudly while we’re buffeted by waves.

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