Thursday, March 13, 2008

Getting Back Into the Swing

Today and yesterday have been a mix of errands, reunions, and performances.

Deanna's day was probably a little more exciting during the day than mine. I went and got copies of keys made and got some chicken breast pitas at the gyros place I always went to.

Later on Tuesday we met with some CSz friends for dinner and then went to rehearsal. Joey brought me my red winter coat. I had been borrowing one of Rene's since all I had were sweatshirts. I had heard from Tara that Joey wore my coat once or twice with a "Guess who I am?" bit to boot. Joey told me the scoop. He said he wore his coat in some bar after a show early on in the winter. The next day he needed to be somewhere, put on his coat, and it wreaked of he borrowed mine. He had worn it everyday since then. Glad it kept him warm.

After CSz ( rehearsal Deanna and I sat in for the Lottery. The Lottery is a show at iO ( on tuesdays in which one student from each of the five class levels has been picked to be in this group for 8-weeks. Every week they are joined by some veterans. This week, we were two of the veterans.

Tuesday was also our first brush with the video game Rock Band. You may have heard of Guitar Hero, in which you have a game controller shaped like a small guitar and you actually strum while pressing one of five fret buttons. Guitar Hero II added the option to play rhythm, lead, or bass. Rock band has guitar, bass, drums, and singer. You actually have to sing and it can tell if you're off pitch. Drums have been what I've been playing...four pads and a bass pedal. It's fun. starting the day off with a tour of the new CSz theater. Even though we were just there for rehearsal we didn't get the complete low-down. We had lunch with Greg and then went separate ways temporarily. Deanna needed to buy shoes and pants for the new CSz uniform and I needed to renew my gym membership (it's been at least 5 days since I've worked out...I need to get in there). While I was out I also picked up a t-shirt and stopped by a game shop to get Rene a little something for giving us a place to crash. He is a gamer, so I bought him...what else...Settlers of Catan. I'm sure we'll play soon.

Deanna and I then went to our storage unit. There were a few things missing that I though I put in places...I'm pretty sure I just remembered wrong. One of those things...CSz shoes. So we turned right back around and Deanna dropped me off at the shoe store. DSW. It is always a crap shoot there because I have to wear a 14-15 in most shoes, and the store usually maxes out at 13. So, when I say "I need to go buy a pair of black sport shoes" what do you think? "I bet he got Addidas, or Nike. Maybe even New Balance." Well...if you guessed "Dr. Scholls?" you win. I will wear them with black knee high socks while wearing shorts. I will also probably be walking in comfort while reading Reader's Digest.

We played Rock Band again and it was off to iO for my first return to Johnny Roast Beef. It was a fun show. I hosted. This is a weird thing at iO. An unspoked rule is usually if you're in the last team, someone from your team hosts. We play on Wednesdays. It is free night. The final team is always the same and we've been in that slot forever too. We think it is great because there is always a big crowd ('cause it is free). Anyway, I usually host. I like hosting and now people know it.

After that we went back home. Tomorrow we look at apartments! Ah, the joys of living lives.

Side note. I have pictures that I will add to the posts later. So, if you're a true follower, scroll back a few days every now and then.

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