Thursday, March 06, 2008

Day 113

Originally uploaded by Rance Rizzutto Photography
St. Lucia. Deanna and I slept in later than usual…about 11:45 or so. Just long enough to miss breakfast. The weather wasn’t that good and we didn’t research ziplines so we stayed on the ship. I went to the gym for the first time in awhile since being sick, and I did laundry.

We had our last rehearsal at 5:00. Deanna plays a grandma in one scene…a dead grandma who is playing football. The lights come up and you see her laying face first on the floor as a football lands by her. During rehearsal she had dropped her pants and her butt was hanging out. She’s silly like that.

Our shows tonight were good. They were our last sketch shows. The JARs were at both of them. At the end of our second show Jimmy the cruise director stopped us from leaving the stage. He was on mic and the audience already knew we were at the end of our contract. He said that there was a tradition that we take of our mics one last time, on stage. Now, earlier…after our 7:30 he had said that he was going to try to pie us in the face. Jen said that was actually a tradition when it was someone’s last show on the mainstage. He said “really?” So, while he was telling us to take off our mics we pretty much knew we were going to get pied. After that it is kind of hazy. I remember he was saying something else and then said “wait wait wait!” I looked behind to see JARs with pies. I remember Johnny, Christopher, Jon Paul, and Ryan were there. We were all gracious and took it. I managed to take my tie off and put it in my pocket first. Christopher was my pie-er. He covered my face and then slid the plate up into my bangs. I think I got the most. Well played. I don’t think I’ve ever been pied before…maybe once at outdoor school.

We went out for drinks with most of the JARs and signed programs for some like it was the last day of high school with yearbooks.

Two sea days and it all comes to an end. It re-dawned on me tonight that, come Tuesday, we don’t get to watch Band on the Run. It’s like watching a weekly TV show, but the show is the same episode each week…but you still look forward to watching.
One more side note. I didn’t dry clean my suit the whole time. I don’t sweat enough to worry about it. I was planning on cleaning it when we get back and now…it is pied. Just a little…on the pants. But enough to actually warrant a cleaning. So, good timing, pie. We feel honored to be pied. I guess usually one casts leaves and the next comes on and that is really all that happens. No big hooplah. But we made enough of an impact to get pie.

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