Wednesday, November 26, 2008

11/26/08: Day 32: Sea Day 4 of 6

Of course the day after I mention things aren’t rocky they get more rocky. Nothing bad, but not smooth sailing. A couple of days ago I kinked my back while working out. A bad kink that I’ve done before. Right between my shoulder blades and mostly on my right side, as well as some muscle being tight enough to make the pain get into my arm as well. I pulled it like this right when we first moved into Rene’s.

This time it has gone away a little quicker because I’m staying active, but I decided to really get it taken care of with a massage. She really dug into it…and it’s still there. Boo.

We had a really fun improv show tonight. Mike has been gone since Malaga day. He went home to see about a girl. I played a bird for him tonight…in his honor. He plays a lot of animals.

Our show was at 8:30…right in between the Gravity Defying Comedy shows. I caught the first half of the first show before I had to head up for our call time. Then I went down to catch the last half of the second show…including the show “Fountains.” And, for those who know what Fountains is, I may be in it next week. I’m iffy about it, but it would be a nice little tidbit to say I was in it. It will definitely be a one time thing.

1 comment:

Tony Rizzutto said...

you would make a great Fountain. That is a good skit. Have a water touching contest with a short person. - Dad