Monday, November 17, 2008

11/17/08: Day 23: Nice

Now that we’ve started the 13 day cruise we’re going backwards from what we normally do. So, since we were in Villefranche just two days ago we took the bus into Nice today. I grab onto Spanish and Italian pretty easily and plan on learning them more while we’re in the Caribbean so I can get us around better when we return (even though a lot of people speak English). French isn’t my style. Too many unspoken letters…too many ways to pronounce a single vowel.

Anywho. Nice was nice. Now, you are saying Nice as “niece” in your head when you see it capitalized, right? Not every time though…like I could start a sentence and not be talking about it. Nice try. See?

One little thing that we’ve been missing on these cruises, as I’ve talked about, are sea days. Sea days help us catch up with rest. Normally we go, go, go and then get a sea day right after Barcelona. Not this time. We get a sea day before the last port and then plenty of sea days to go around for everyone.

While I’m out and about the ports I go back and forth from thinking “let’s get to the next destination we’re going to see in this port” to “Holy crap! I’m eating a sandwich with Deanna on the French Riviera!” Deanna prefers the latter moments.

Tonight we have the VIP party and then who knows. I almost fell asleep before writing this and Deanna was asleep seconds ago with her finger on an open page of a book.

Side note…and I didn’t get a picture of this…while we were sitting along the beach in Nice we saw a guy walking along the beach with a cane while holding a cat. Keep in mind the beach is made up of stones and not sand. The cat started to fidget so he let it down. It had on a chest harness attached to a leash. The cat sort of just stood there, then the man would drag it. This repeated a few times before he picked the cat up again. I said, “Well, I guess that explains why you don’t see many people walking cats.”

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