Thursday, November 13, 2008

11/13/08: Day 19: Civitivecchia

My plan was to go to the Coliseum today…regardless of who was coming with me. Then, sometime in the middle of the night or early morning I heard heavy rain. Now, to you in houses you might be thinking “oh,yeah…been there.” But, keep in mind we are in the middle of the ship and two levels down. We’re talking major storm. Lightning, thunder and water spouts a.k.a. tornados. So, I didn’t wake up early and I didn’t get off the ship.

The nice thing was that they decided to show movies in the Stardust theater to provide something to do in the bad weather. Brett and I saw Ironman at 11:30am.

We then though it might have cleared up and went to brave looking for an internet café. Right as we got off the ship it started raining and I turned right back around to go watch the 2:00 Dark Knight showing.

Other than that we had a great show in the Spinaker.

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