Sunday, May 24, 2009

5/24/09: Day 210: Barcelona, Spain

Today my parents arrived! They were debating on whether to come on the cruise or not because flights are expensive. But, they did it!

They got in last night and apparently there was some huge celebration dealing with soccer (futbol). Since none of us really follow it we assumed they won the world cup. There were some people firing off blunderbusses and my dad, who has enough of a hard time hearing as it is, was standing right by one. So, we’re starting off with him having worse hearing.

Around 10am they showed up at the port to drop off their luggage and meet us. We took them up to Montjuic to see the castle and botanical gardens.

I was expecting them to pass out right after that because of the time difference, but my dad waited until we got in the middle of the 10:00pm show for the night. He would wake up to clap at the end of each number. Deanna and I were both tired, and this is day one.

Bonus items include: my day brought a 500G external drive for me; they brought red vines for Deanna; as an early birthday present they brought me seasons 3-6 of Family Guy. Deanna and I have been missing our nightly Family Guy since we left the states and the Cartoon Network turned into BBC News.

1 comment:

Tony Rizzutto said...

A special event was going on at the castle with a small band and dignitaries. Hot chocolate and bun looking cookies were given out free. DON'T DRINK THE CHOCOLATE! Great Exlax and I almost didn't make it to the bathroom in the gardens.