Friday, May 22, 2009

5/22/09: Day 208: Florence, Italy

Today we went to Florence. Aside from dropping my hard drive yesterday we also had a busy night. Improv show, Liar’s Club, and then a crew show starting at about 1:00am when all was said and done. After the show we had that show adrenaline going AND What Happens In Vegas was on the crew channel. So, we were up until 3:30…with a planned wake up time of 8:00am. Well…that didn’t happen.

We managed to get up and off the ship at 10:00am to get an 11:11 train. Plenty of time, but in Livorno you have to account for the shuttle to town and the bus to the train station. Everyone else had gone on the crew tour of Florence that left around 9:30, but the bus went straight there. We were glad that we went on our own.

It was a really nice. Just walking around and taking in the city. We bought a couple paninis to take to a park to eat. The park cost 10euro. We went to the next park on the map. It was a residence. We went to the next one. Yea! It was a kind of scrappy park by an art school. They had fruit and stuff for sale out front. We had our sandwiches and some strawberries. We also discovered a fun game called “throw the pigeons a big chunk of bread and let them figure it out.” As they peck at it they end up flinging it around.

On our way back to the train station we ran into the rest of the cast. It was around 2:45. Their tour was supposed to go until 5:00pm but they got told it was coming back at 2:45 instead. They were steamed a little about that. The whole bonus of going on the tour was the bus coming back late so they could see more in Florence.

We made our way back to the train and rode home.

Things are starting to “summer up” around here. A little more hot. A little more humid.

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