Thursday, May 14, 2009

5/14/09: Day 201: Civitavecchia, Italy

Since yesterday was so angry we decided to take it easy today. Deanna and I just strolled around Civitavecchia not taking a train or anything. We said we’d go out for an hour before coming back to work out.

Luckily we got out there before full-city-nap-time. There was a big open air market with lots of stuff. Normally I find something good but today was Deanna’s day. She got a shirt that looks like Ted’s Twilight costume. Let me explain. In Twilight, when the sun shines on a vampire they sparkle like diamonds…Ted’s shirt for the 3rd Floor Twilight sketch was completely covered in sequins. Deanna found a shirt like that for 4euro. She also found a belt and some sunglasses. I almost bought a belt for Brett. I still might if I see it again.

We stopped in a little shop called Hula Hoop to eat. It was by no means a restaurant. They had sandwiches and cappuccino though so it was good enough for me. At one point as we were eating two old tourist ladies came in and began to communicate using the native tongue…”ICE CREAM. Do you have IIIICEEE CREEAAAM?” They got pointed to the freezer where there was packaged ice cream bars. They seemed a little disappointed, but intrigued. More native tongue: “Flaaaaayyyy-ver? Flaayyyyyy-ver?...Vanilla?” They left.

Other than that we went back to the gym and worked out. I ran 5k before getting to the rest of my workout. I’m back in running action!

We then had what I think is one of my favorite improv shows. The crowd was great, the games were fun. Good times all around.

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