Saturday, May 23, 2009

5/23/09: Day 209: Cannes, France

Today was supposed to simple. Take a tender into town, go to the café with the fast internet, come back. Technically, we did that. But, neither of our computers would connect to the internet so we walked around the shops. Deanna bought me a bright blue shirt and I bought a long pair of shorts. They are supposedly surfing shorts and they look like capris, but the bottom 8 inches of them can zip off so they look more like regular shorts. I’m super trendy now.

The tender was super rough right by the ship. It wasn’t that the weather was crazy or anything, the waves were just parallel with the ship so the tender rocked easily side to side.

My parents will be here tomorrow! Technically I think they are in Barcelona already. One thing they DIDN’T give me was their flight info.

Other than that I finally made it to the gym. It had been about 3 days. Other than that Deanna and I taught 7 people how to improvise and we proceeded to have a so-so improv show. Tada! I’m gonna go get some meat.

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