Saturday, July 30, 2005


Not a whole lot to talk about in this one, just a lot of photos. I've been busy with photography stuff on the business side since I've been back. Today I met up with some CSz-ers and their friends for some Volleyball. I didn't play at all last year. The year before that I played a moderate amount, but one time I didn't put sunblock on my feet and they burnt badly to the point of severe pain while walking. No more! Just FUN!

Prouty ready for action!...
...and then not so ready for action
The standard Whetham serve
Water break...

Whetham ready to spike at any moment

"A" for effort. Sara flails for the ball as Clair and Gelbach observe. Let's see that flail close-up...

And lastly...the atomic serve. Right along the bottom edge of the image is the boundary line. That is how much air is being had...Canadian style!


Anonymous said...

Nice shots. Were they taken with the new camera?


Anonymous said...

Nice! That picture of Whetham's atomic serve is classic!

Anonymous said...

Those last two photos are something else! - mom