Saturday, July 23, 2005

Of Walking and Leaving

Three days ago Deanna and I were supposed to meet Jen and Larrance down around Sand Beach to see a cave. We had to meet at a certain time because the cave fills up when the tide comes in. It wasn't necessarily the hottest day out here, but it was probably the muggiest. All along the drive we were getting blocked. Seth an Andrea went as well but left after us from the house. There are two ways to get to the island: the main route and the back way. Tourists take the main route and locals take the back way...we usually take the back way.

So we're starting off our adventure and it isn't long before we're blocked by an elderly gentleman in a truck driving very slow. He seems confused...traffic is building up behind him. Finally he is about to turn off the road, but not before letting a construction truck onto the road. We're following this truck for a long time. It gets to where the back way connects to the tourist way and we see Seth and Andrea drive by...we're still behind this truck.

Now would be a good time to remind you that it is hot and muggy. Now would ALSO be a good time to let you know that I do not like the heat...AND, since we'd be climbing around in a cave, we were told to wear pants. Just keep that in mind for later.

The truck turns off...finally. Only to be replaced by an old couple who hits the gas to get into traffic, but immediately drops to below speed limit. I was already having a weird feeling, but now I vocalized it. I told Deanna I didn't think we were supposed to go to the caves today.

We finally get to where Deanna knew we were supposed to meet Jen and Larrance between 3:30-3:45. No Jen and Larrance...and no Seth and Andrea. 3:55...same situation. We figured Jen and Larrance got tied up in the festival stuff they've been doing, and Seth and Andrea mentioned wanting to go we figured that is where they went.

So we decide to just go on the hike and see if we can find the caves. I should also mention I hate bugs...and hikes in heat with bugs while I'm in jeans.

Here is one of the cool views from the hike. I kind of spoiled the hike by being on it. Bugs love me for some reason and I was getting pissed off and fast. At one point we ran into this guy:

The boldest squirrel/stripeless chipmunk I've seen. He was sitting there by the trail and didn't even flinch as we walked up. Just checked us out.

The hike ended with more bugs...there were a few areas along the hike that had great views and no bugs...but not the end. We got back to the theater and Jen and Larrance were there...glad that we were ok.

We went to the wrong place. Deanna knew the directions and even gave the directions she knew to Andrea. Seth and Andrea made it to the caves based on our directions. However, my gut/fate was right. We weren't supposed to go to the caves. They said a lot of people were there, and everyone was being dangerous via stupidity. The cave is filled with tide pools and lined with muscles and barnacles...very slippery. They found one older lady there...all scraped up and covered in blood. They helped her up (she came to see a show the next night). Apparently she had very recently had both of her knees replaced. This cave isn't a good idea for awesome knees let alone newly implanted ones. She's lucky...and dumb.

So it was a bloody mess that we didn't have to deal with. I'm sure I would have slipped and died if we went.

A reflection of the sign outside through the inside window. Tonight marks our last night here. We have three shows. Deanna is making the order for the first show, I'm doing the second, and the third show is the jam. It's been a blast, but I'm ready to get back and get things rollin' in the city. If you ever get a chance to come out here...take it.


Anonymous said...

rance, you're my idol. plain and simple.


Anonymous said...

But wait! I thought he was MY idol.

Anonymous said...

