Wednesday, December 31, 2008

12/31/08: Day 67: Nassau

Happy birthday Jeremy! Happy new year everyone!

Today is Nassau. I started off in Starbucks with Deanna and got to use the semi-fast internet and then went to the internet café for fast.

Tonight is NYE so we have our show a little earlier to make room for parties every where.

Last night on the way back to our room we crossed paths with a guy who loved our show and said so. This was around 9:00…maybe 10:30 after we watched a show. Relatively early in the evening. I clear this up because he then asked “Where are you guys partying tonight?” Deanna said “In our room.” And we went our separate ways. We don’t party. The thought of “where are you partying tonight?” still makes me laugh.

Tonight we did our improv show. There were more kids than typical cruises and I had fun with them in Playwright. Everyone has their own way of getting suggestions for this game. It is 5 lines of dialogue and 5 stage directions. For the dialogue I almost always get 3 lines that are movie quotes or song lyrics…tonight they were coming up with good ones so I only used movie quotes for those 3. Then I got a piece of advice from one other person. I was ready to get my 5th line. There was an 8-10 year-old kid with his hand in the air. So eager to give his suggestion. I had heard him one game earlier very disappointed that Jen didn’t take his suggestion of “moldy cheese.” So, when he was jumping up and down with his hand stretched high, all the while “OOOH! OOOH OOOH!”-ing, I said, “alright, moldy cheese. I’m coming to you, but you have to answer the question I usually ask for this line…what is the worst thing you’ve said to someone in a break-up situation?” I had ‘em! The audience loved it. The blank look on his face was followed by his parent saying something that he then repeated, “It’s not you it’s me?” Well done.

Then, of course, The count down to midnight. Sometime in between 11:00pm and midnight we came across the dude who asked where we were partying. Deanna had a champagne and they toasted. He turned to me and I had no drink and mime-toasted. He gave me a look that said, “Wow. You weren’t kidding when you said you were going to your room instead of partying. Hmm. I didn’t believe it, but now I do.”

This is my last post for the year. To all of my friends and family I miss you much and will see you in the coming year…right? To all of my enemies, you have escaped another year of my wrath…congrats.

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