Wednesday, December 17, 2008

12/17/08: Day 53: Nassau

The quest for bandwidth. That was today’s journey. Since we pulled some strings to NOT have a show on Port Canaveral day we had it today. So the day started off with a tech rehearsal. From there Deanna and I went to our trusty Starbucks to get coffee and our complimentary 1-hour of internet. Only, the server was down…that didn’t stop the clerk from printing me out an internet password. While we were there the guy who runs the crew video store showed up. We told him the server was down so he said he was going to McDonalds. What? We finished our coffees and scoped out McDonalds.

The sign on the door said “free wifi with purchase of an extra value meal.” The lines were long but Deanna and I held our ground and ordered. While ordering I asked for internet access and the lady just said “ok” without printing up a password or anything. We easily could have just bought a drink. And once we got upstairs we realized…well, I realized the connection was crappy. Deanna didn’t seem to be having any problems.

While I was slowly surfing I noticed Brett’s status on facebook said something about him finding high-speed. He had gone to a cyber café with super fast internet for $6/hour…which is less than what we had already paid in coffee and McD’s food on our quest. I went and got sweet wifi. I didn’t get any videos up on facebook because I didn’t.

Nassau day is the one odd day where the ship doesn’t leave until midnight and people don’t have to be back until 11:30pm. This meant we only had one show at 9:00 instead of two. Our show was packed and they loved it. Very nice.

From there we went to listen to James play guitar in the star bar. Deanna and Mike have sung with him a couple times. Then we went to a crew party. Basically free drinks and loud music. If you don’t hear the song with “gasoline-ah” in it, it isn’t a crew party. Needless to say, it was a crew party. I don’t like the loud, especially when people try to talk to me…I can’t hear them. And it is louder down on the dance floor. Deanna, knowing me well and probably reading my face, said “you have to dance with me on the next song and then you’re free to go.” To which I replied “this song just started! Let’s go dance now!”

I don’t care for dancing. There are some people who dance well, but most move around oddly. I enjoy watching it for humor. There was one guy in particular who looked like a marionette being controlled and made to dance…and not all cool like Nsync.

I saw the drummer and we’re all set tomorrow for me getting Weeds season 3 from him…bonus.

I left Deanna at the party and her last words were “order me a PBJ from room service…I love you.” She’ll be a sweaty mess when next I see her.

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