Monday, December 01, 2008

12/01/08: Day 37: Port Canaveral

Florida…well, we’re definitely not in Europe anymore. Since we didn’t have much time in New York we were all pretty much heading for internet access. Mike used to work on another cruise ship years ago and would port here twice a week, so he let us know there was an internet place and a Chik fila. Even though it had been years, he was right.

I used my iTouch to search for free internet. There was a signal out in the mall that was free, and there was a bookstore called Books A Million with coffee that either charged $5 a day or $20 for a year if you became a Millionaire (member). Deanna and I became members and found out we got 10% off for being crew. So, for a year we get 10% off as millionaires and an additional 10% off for being crew…plus the internet use.

The day was spent catching up photos and blogs and everything else internet related. I still have some videos to put up but that will have to wait. We’ll be back here at least 11 times before going to Europe again so it was worth the club price.

For those thinking about doing this itinerary there are other things to do here as well. The space center, Cocoa Beach, Universal Studios, and Disneyland. There were $10 shuttles that would go to the Mall, Walmart, and “the beach”…that $10 was good for all day, so if you went to the beach you would be able to catch the shuttle to wal mart from there, and then to the mall if you wanted or just back to the ship from any of the locations. There were also taxis that had varying flat rates. I overheard one saying a shuttle bus to Disneyland was $150 because it was an hour away. I’m not sure if it was round trip, but you might want to meet with people and not be afraid to say “WE NEED 4 MORE PEOPLE GOING TO DISNEY!” and fill up the van to split the bill.

We got back around 7:00 and are pretty much just chilling for the rest of the night. Maybe I’ll go to the gym. Maybe I’ll get right back on the internet. This is the part of our contract where we try to save money.

In other news the ship is slowly turning American. Not the passengers, the ship. Eggs have gone from brown to white, the raw sugar is no longer Domino brand, it is only a matter of time until the toilet paper goes from adequate European sized to large fat American butt sized.

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