Friday, December 26, 2008

12/26/08: Day 62: Sea Day

Tonight is the last night of the cruise. During the day we had a meeting with one of our fans. Her step-mother had set up a meeting with our cast, so we chatted with her before our workshop. She was in both of our Stardust shows and our first improv show in the front row.

Later on during our adult show there were plenty of teens present. We’re pretty much covered because it is listed as “adult” and mentioned by the cruise staff pre-show. During the show intro I usually say “By applause, how many of you have not seen any of our shows yet? (4-5 people clap) And how many of you are under 18?” That is when I give the last warning. Our adult show is more innuendo than filth and swears, so it isn’t that big of a deal if some teens are around.

The show was a blast. Deanna killed me at one point. We played Playwright (aka Blindline aka Script) and one of the stage directions was “Self-destruct.” Deanna got it and mentally self-destructed going crazy and running all over the place screaming in faces and falling on people. It was awesome. Pure.

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