Friday, September 22, 2006

Sluiceway: Hike of HORRRRRORRRRRR!

Thursday I went jogging for nearly 30 minutes(29:45...I got by song length and that's what it ended up being once I checked on my return)...a 10 minute jump. So Friday was a hike day.

We had already hit the main trails we've (I've) heard of, so it was off into new territory. Jen recommended Sluiceway. She had never been on it but said Megan liked it a lot when she was out here.

Sluiceway was pretty much all forested. It isn't necessarily a popular trail, so we were the only car out there, and the only people. Since it was so forested the trail had a lot of roots. It was a fairly steep climb. The pic above is standing on the trail looking straight forward. The pic below is the same place, but looking up the trail. I don't think they convey the steepness. Since the trail was so filled with roots the trail had a softness and a drum like sound as we walked. Just as I was thinking that, I heard a drum like sound that wasn't matching our stride...then I heard breath with it.

The little angel below scared the crap out of us. Luckily, she was friendly. She stopped by us once, then ran back. Then came back again (when I had the composure to take a photo). She was with a lady who lived on the island and was hiking her own trail. They passed us and we carried on.

We were both in the mood for a mellow hike and this one was somewhere above mellow. But we finally made it to one of the destinations on our trail...Little Notch. This was the first hiking location we made it to with no view (notice the trees everywhere behind the sign).

Luckily the next part of our hike would take us to the Bernard Mt. Overlook.

Where we also found this stranger.

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