Monday, September 04, 2006

Mainely Maine

Well, I forgot a couple key elements for taking pictures. I use an external harddrive to store everything on...I forgot the correct cord for that. I also shoot in RAW and forgot to put the Canon software on the laptop. I'm working on correcting both of these problems.

The first night we got here was pretty fun. Rich & Rebecca Sohn, and Jake Schneider were performing in their last two shows. Right before the 10:00pm show a bat got into the theater. Katie and Rich grabbed boxes, I grabbed a blanket, and we tried to catch it. Jen was holding the door open and in an attempt by Rich to catch it with the box the bat dodge at the perfect angle to make it outside.

On Sunday Deanna and I had our first show back. We're performing with Katie Hammond and Rex well as Jen who owns the theater, but she was sick, so we were on our own. Jen was with us last night.

It's a little weird getting used to being out here. It is somewhere inbetween iO and CSz.

Yesterday I went for a run. 15 minutes. I'm trying to build up to at least 45. And then four of us went for a hike up Parkman Mt. It was a good hike, but I think I'll hold off on the hikes on days that I run.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

rance! you're here! i'll make sure to stop by the theater this week. and you'll def see me on saturday unless my plans change. break a leg, and see you soon.