Sunday, September 17, 2006

And then there were three...and Larrance

Last night we had the final two shows with Rex and Katie. It was great getting to hang out with them. Rex got to get killed by a cougar that had integrated with a computer, and Katie (who has surprisingly strong upperbody strength) got to make her final 185 jokes that only she could do.

When we first got here in Maine, Jen was sick. These past few days, Rex, Katie, and Deanna have been sick. I normally get sick quickly and keep it for awhile, but I've been on a huge Vitamin C kick (around 3000-4000mg in a day), plus I've been exercising (jogging 3 times a week and I'm up to 20 minutes!). I haven't even had the beginning signs of a cold yet. Also, I pretty much eat a bowl of chili a day, so that could be helping too.

In honor of Katie, I now present to you her two patented jokes:

Bob and Bill, a couple of buddies, go out Moose hunting. Bob has been before and Bill hasn't. Bob says "I'm going to go to higher ground, you stay around this level." Bill, eager to bag his first Moose agrees. Bob finds a good tree and climbs up to get a better look. Bill is anxious and looking around for Moose when he spots one! Up in a tree! Bob sees Bill pointing the gun at him and starts waving his hands and says, "don't shoot! I'm not a moose!" Bill shoots and hits Bob. Bob falls out of the tree to the ground. Bill, excited, goes over to see his kill only to find Bob nearly dead. Bob says, "why did you do that? I said, 'don't shoot! I'm not a moose!'" And Bill said, "I thought you said you WERE a moose!"

Crap...I can't remember her other joke. Hopefully I'll remember it later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, two cows are laying in a field and the first cow turns to the second and says, "So, what do you think of this Mad Cow Disease thing?" The second cow looks at him and says "What do I care? I'm a helicoptor?"

I loved meeting you guys!!! See you back in Chi-town.