Friday, October 17, 2008

Rizzutto/Rizzuto and Lasts

Tonight is my last ComedySportz show for good and my last Beatbox show until I return. Last night was Deanna's last show and she was a ref. I had mentioned something about doing a few bits for her if she wanted. Basically I was just going to dress like a ref and carry her out at the show opening and start of second half. But, she wanted me to team ref. So I did. She also picked all the games without letting the teams know what they were. Normally they get to pick their own. It was the most playful show I had seen in awhile. Apparently, in an effort to be playful with Deanna and throw her curve balls as well, Jon Forsythe put on a hat and shouted 5 things suggestions from the audience and Deanna didn't notice until the end of suggestions. I was out of the room and missed it.

As for Rizzutto/Rizzuto. There is one place in Italy I need to go to before I die. Calabria. It is where the Rizzuttos are from and there is even a Capo de Rizzuto. Calabria is on the tip of the boot:

(Here is where you would have seen a map, but my dad clicked on it and he got a virus...hopefully you didn't...regardless, BYE MAP!)

It just so happens that our ship goes straight through that passage when we go from Malta to Naples. I'm hoping it will be good enough for pictures. Tamara, I get to see Calabria!


Anonymous said...

so, are the dotted lines the routes your ship will take? - jc

Rance Rizzutto said...

No, I think they're just ferry routes. The google map has nothing to do with the ship.

Tno said...


I'm jealous!

Its been fun playing with you mentor!!! Congrats on the last shows, and many more to come!


Rance Rizzutto said...

Does the map not work for you? Hmmm. My mom saw it, but mine does flash as a pic of downtown chicago quickly before settling in on Calabria.

Anonymous said...

well,i was wondering about the chicago map, but decided to click on the little blue words, and finally got calabria. the chicago map never settled to calabria on its own. thought you might have tried literally mapping from chicago to calabria. you never know. - jc