Thursday, October 23, 2008

Holy Crap! and A Follower

You is Thursday night. We leave in less than 48 hours!

Rehearsals started yesterday. 9am-6pm. jobish. Yesterday after rehearsal we had told a bunch of people we were having a going away party type thing. All of our cast showed up and a nice assortment of mostly improvisor friends showed up. Thanks to everyone who came out, it was great to see you...especially if I knew who you were.

Our show line up includes two group songs that are improv based and those have taken up the majority of our time. The first day we worked part one and pretty much nailed it. Easy as pie. I was kind of thinking "whoa! Awesome! If that was easy the second one should be too!"


We're definitely getting it, but it was no easy task. Part of the difficulty is that there is a quick little callback to the first song in it which requires us remembering the first four lines. If we nail that...rock stars.

Every part of me just wants to pack and be ready. That will have to wait for tomorrow night at the soonest.

So, one more day of rehearsals that includes more work on the songs then running from open to close a few times. We'll still have some rehearsal time on the ship, but people are itching to get to the ports in Europe.

Also, I have 1 Follower. Hi Mr. B. I don't know who he is but he is listed as a follower of my blog. Yay.


Anonymous said...

Hey, maybe it's Mr. B from Charles F.!!! That would be cool. Tell him hello. - mom/jc

Rance Rizzutto said...

I found out who it improvisor from Chicago. I don't remember who Mr. B is from Charles F. I only remember Mr. G.

Anonymous said...

ha-ha!! Mr G.... good old Mr G, he's probably still chasing around Mrs Proctor ;).... and wearing nylon shorts that are TOOO SHORT and tight. Oh and if you hadnt heard Rance... Mrs P is asst principle at Tigard now, too funny!

Have a good trip in 2 days!