Tuesday, April 21, 2009

4/21/09: Day 178: Sea Day 3

Still sick.

I wish there was a neti-pot for lungs. At some point before we did the crossing I bought Day-Quil and Nyquil. It was a recommendation based on not knowing if they would have those brands over in Europe. I just didn’t think I would use them ON the crossing. I have one more dose of Day-Quil left.

Yesterday, for no real reason, I woke up around 8:00am and stayed up. This is a good thing since we will be setting our clocks ahead one hour every day for six days in a row. So, it was really like I woke up at 1:00pm.

Also yesterday was Bowling with the Stars! We did this on the last crossing and I think Larrance won. I think last time it started at 16 teams of 2 and the 8 highest scores moved on. This time it was a bracket system. My partner and I took on Cletus and his partner ( who asked Cletus at the start “how do I hold the ball?”). Cletus and I were about even, but he was doing a little better. Those who know my bowling will understand the next part. Around frame 6 I decided to put away the normal style and break out the 7-pound spin. Last time I attempted this patented throw was with Brett and Ryan. They must have just oiled the lanes because the spin did nothing. This time I caught way too much spin…every time. Now, my normal tactic is to do a good job, but ease off just enough to not win, thus freeing me from coming back to bowl the next day. The bowling happens right in my prime gym time. But, I’m sick and haven’t been working out. I think in frame 9 I went back to bowling “normal” and got a spare. In frame 10 I got two strikes. With our combined score the other team needed 18 points to win. Cletus, who had been on a streak of spares…blew it on his first throw. He knocked down four random pins and didn’t have a good chance of a spare. Throw two, four pins. His partner, who had asked who to play the game, needed a spare and one point more to win. Double gutterballs. So, today at 2:00 I continue on.

1 comment:

Jen & Larrance on a Ship said...

The steam room is the neti pot for the lungs. Pair that with some of those shower soother things...well you can't take that in there but you could take them in your shower. That should do it....DO IT!
Sorry that you're sick....