Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Heading Home

I head back to Portland on the 6th. I haven't been back in about a year and a half. It doesn't seem that long. It always seemed like a long time away while Deanna was still living there. Time flies.

Yesterday I woke up around 4:00am puking. STOMACH FLU! HURRAY!

I don't remember the last time I had a stomach flu, but it's been years. Yesterday I ate about 5 Saltine crackers, drank a lot of water and Sprite. Kept very little of it down. The whole thing died down by the end of the day. I basically was in bed all day when I wasn't in the bathroom.

Around 4:00am THIS morning I was hungry. I ate about 8 crackers and that tided me over enough to sleep. I had errands to run and did some across the street. I got light headed and came home with some food that I ate half of.

Now I'm pretty close to being back to normal. There has been an interesting improv development as well, but it is still in the process of being figured out...more on that later...maybe.

I'm looking forward to the little things about being home. Like getting a Western at Carl's Jr. Seeing old friends. Seeing the city. Taking pictures. Seeing family. Should be good times.

Deanna flies out tomorrow...I hope she doesn't catch my stomach flu last minute. Her flight is going to be terrible if she does. YIKES!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...