Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Day 1 of 5 (+): Columbus, GA

I got a sweet gig (thank you, sweet gig-givers) and I'm flying all around for 5 days. Yes...all around.

Day 1: Monday

The four of us who got hired met up in Chicago at the place from whence we were hired. I don't like throwing out names of places/companies. I don't know why.

We hung out, went over scripts, high-fived a toddler that came through, and did bits.

A limo came to take us to the airport. Not O'Hare...not Midway...some other, smaller one I don't know the name of. We got in the car and it was bit central. The cycle of bits went something like this: Bit starts; we all riff; Paul relates it to a Simpson's reference; Sarah relates it to dwarves replacing people; Rance kills the bit; Rich comments on Rance killing the bit; everyone/anyone comments on how we're going to use all our bits for the trip in the car; pause; repeat.

As we're driving, we find out that our flight is going to leave an hour later than planned. This was PERFECT because it gave us all time to go get food.

We were flown out on a corporate jet...8 seater. Pretty cool. I have some pics of the outside of it, I'll have to get some of the inside next time we're in the plane.

On the plane there are four seats that face each other, one that faces forward by the exit, and a sideways facing bench next to that seat. Somehow it ended up that the client, sound guy, camera man, and myself were in the four seats, and Rich, Paul, and Sarah were in the three front seats. So...I read. I was reading "My Friend Leonard" by James Frey*.

The plane lands and I am deemed "driver of car two". I go get the car and grab everyone and head to the airport. No...hotel. Yes...hotel. We get there about 11:30 at night, get our rooms, and kind of hang out in the "workout room" (2 working cardio machines, 2 broken ones, three sets of light weight dumbbells). Go to bed.

Lucky for me, my shoot is scheduled for the afternoon. Rich and I are paired up, Sarah and Paul are paired up. Before going to sleep I go over the script a few times and then luck out...Superman I on tv! Just starting! No commercials! I watch until superman saves a cat from a tree and then replaces the destroyed engine on Air Force One with himself. I would watch my DVD of Superman at home, but I don't have it at home, do I TODD!

*James Frey wrote "A Million Little Pieces" ("A" may not actually be in the title) and followed that up with "My Friend Leonard". They are both great reads. Unfortunately, the first book is doing quite well because it was in Oprah's Book Club, and then it got attacked for not being true. It's true, but people are saying some stuff was embellished. It is a BOOK, PEOPLE! Read it and move on. It's not like it is a law that just got passed saying "Everyone only has to pay $5 in taxes each year" and then we find out it was an embellishment because we actually have to pay more. THAT is something to get up in arms about. Not a book. It is only a matter of time until someone tries to sue him. We, people, are idiots. Cool it, us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it has been reported that a class action suit has been filed against the author for wasting the multiple readers' time in reading the book and having spent money on the book. - Dad