Friday, January 27, 2006

Day 5 of 5 (+5): Fall River, MA

Still cold in the morning. We head out to the site. This time, the director gives me a copy of his mapquest directions.

One of the directions is "Exit 2W Fall River". It is really "2B", but still Fall River. I see this and I predict they will pass the exit, even though I know it is actually the right one.
Yep. They pass it. Now a whole new equation.

Mapquest sucks, folks. Don't use it. I have never had possitive results with mapquest. Use (aka MSN Maps) or google maps if you want actual directions that work.

We get there and Rich and I do our part of the shoot. I'd say we finish at noon, which is great. We drive out to pick up Sarah and Paul at the hotel...MORE HOT 106!

We get back and drive to a nearby restaurant/bar for the Paul and Sarah shoot. They serve Portugese(sp?) food here and we all have lunch. Good stuff.

I drive around to explore the town for a while but don't really find anything interesting...sorry, Fall River.

This shoot takes awhile because we're dealing with a bunch of employees, and then random patrons of the bar. It is a very blue collar town. We ge done around 6:30 and start packing up. Paul gets cornered in the bathroom by an extremely drunk guy who wants to know about the shoot, but won't let Paul leave. Paul gets out. Later, that same drunk guy comes in and is asking a bunch of questions. Not in an angry way. In a curious, extremely wasted way. He is having trouble standing. He gets a little animated...still not angry, just super wasted. The guys from the company we're shooting are regulars at this place and in good with the owner. The drunk guy is getting louder and more animated. Right in the middle of a drunken rambling the owner comes in and says "What are you doing in here?! Stop! Go sit down!" The drunk guy instantly stops and walks off like a 5 year old who just got busted. It was great.

We finally pack up. Since I've been driving around, the director says to me "I assume you know how to get us back to the freeway?" I say yes and he tells me to lead the way and then follow him once we get to the freeway. I take a slightly alternate route. We need to head down one road then take a left on a main road. The road I pick to get to the main road, well...doesn't let you turn left onto that main road. So I start laughing that I just went the wrong way because of how many times the director has. I make a right, another right, another, and get back to the road we really need. He is flashing his lights and honking, and I know it is saying "who sucks at driving now?"

This whole day I was hoping we would make it back in time for me to be at my IO show with Johnny Roast Beef at 8:00pm....I got home at 10:15. I didn't make it.

You may have noticed the (+) and now the (+5) in the headings. We knew there would be more dates, but didn't know when. I'm back Saturday, leave Sunday for CA, Leave Monday for UT, come back Tuesday, home Wednesday, leave Thursday for TX, come back Friday. SO....more to come.

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