Friday, September 05, 2008

For the Improvisors

We're packing...well...I'm starting to pack my stuff a little.

As I was going through things I found some old pads of paper. Portland, old. A bunch of stuff written in Korean from my Tae Kwon Do days that I no longer understand. Some very important video game notes, but best of first improv notes.

Well...I took improv in college before getting an office job that led me to taking improv classes that led me to Chicago.

In my first improv class (where I met Deanna btw) I apparently took minor notes on how the game "Zip Zap Zop" was played. 9/14/98. 10 years ago almost. I don't remember if we did that game in college, but it is a standard one that I have near "first time" documentation of.

When was your first Zip Zap Zop?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

when I was 17 in the back of my 51 Chev.