Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Last Day Off: Holy Ground

Granted, I haven't had any Pepsi in a long least 3 months, maybe more...I think the last time was in January. BUT, RoNo and I have this ongoing thing: I hate Coke, she hates Pepsi.

Well tonight we went to a Mexican Restaurant (no idea on the name) and out front was a Coke vending machine. As we walked in I actually thought to myself "I need to take a picture of that for RoNo when I leave."

It gets better...we get inside...Pepsi is their cola of can or bottle.

But what's this? A paradox? The only cups they had?...

The best of both worlds...a great cup that can only be filled with a great beverage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hah! This couldn't be any better. - jackie chan

ps-in word verification the "ww' also looks like "urv". hmmm. i'll try ww