Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Is the Hike Half Empty?

It was everyone's day off again. Deanna wanted to go on a hike and I wanted to get out of the house and be warm. I was a little stiff from running yesterday...28 minutes, but on streets with hills, and I didn't have my music to focus on (the iPod was charging).

Deanna went hiking by herself last week and wanted to take me to the same area. We were going to go 4.2 miles. So we drove out and set off hiking up Acadia Mountain.

We made it! I was pretty tired though and we had only gone about 1.2 miles. I asked where else we were going to go and Deanna pointed way over to another mountain top...which meant going down then back up again. But she said it was an easier trail over there.

Keep in mind, we had also planned to grocery shop today...because we were out of food...which meant the only thing I had eatten that day was a Cliff bar while we hiked up to the top of Acadia. So, I wasn't looking forward to 3 more miles of hiking, but I was a sport and we carried on.

The next mountain was St. Sauveur. I was happy to be there as you can probably tell.

I have to admit...and Deanna does too (she has no choice because I'm typing) that I was pretty positive. I was pesimistic, but positive. As we were walking and I was saying how it would be great if the trail was shorter and we were done with the hike, she said in a very nice tone "Well, aren't you mister glass-half-empty?" I replied, "Oh, it's more than half empty, and most of it is backwash...but the cup is pretty cool!" Positive pesimism.

Last year was a different story...I was no treat to be around. There were also more bugs...and I hate bugs. I'd last all the way on Survivor...if there were no bugs.

I have no idea where we were for this pic. On our way back.

We probably left around 1:00pm to go hike, got there around 2:00, finished around 4:30. We stopped and got Subway on the way back, and then headed back into town. We made it less than half way back when traffic stopped. The picture above is the line of traffic after about an hour of inching forward. I guess there was an accident (or an "on purpose"). That traffic signal is at a fork in the road with a not so main road as well. As an added bonus, the light for our road wasn't turning green anymore. The little road was to our left, so when there light was green, two cars from our road would run the red light and get out with enough space for the other cars to go around. I think we got home around 8:00.

What did we do to kill time on the drive? Memorized the capitals to the 50 states...I'm going to try and remember them all right now:

Alabama: Montgomery
Alaska: Juno
Arkansas: Little Rock
Arizona: Phoenix
California: Sacramento
Colorado: Denver
Connecticut: Hartford
Deleware: Dover
Florida: Tallahasee
Georgia: Atlanta
Hawaii: Honolulu
Idaho: Boise
Illinois: Springfield
Indiana: Indianapolis
Iowa: Des Moines
Kansas: Topeka
Kentucky: Frankfurt (Chicken!)
Louisiana: Baton Rouge
Maine: Augusta
Maryland: Anapolis
Massachusetts: Boston
Michigan: Lansing
Minnesota: St. Paul
Mississippi: Jackson
Missouri: Jefferson City
Montana: Helena
Nebraska: Lincoln
Nevada: Carson City
New Hampshire: Concord
New Jersey: Trenton
New Mexico: Santa Fe
New York: **Albany
North Carolina: Raleigh
North Dakota: Bismark
Ohio: Columbus
Oklahoma: Oklahoma City
Oregon: Salem
Pennsylvannia: Harrisburg
Rhode Island: Providence
South Carolina: Columbia
South Dakota: Pierre
Tennessee: Nashville
Texas: Austin
Utah: Salt Lake City
Vermont: Mon Pelliar (or something like that)
Virgina: Richmond
Washington: Olympia
West Virginia: **
Wisconsin: Madison
Wyoming: Cheyenne

I got them all pretty quick as I typed them...and I only needed help remembering 4 of the 50 states when I was making that list. I only had trouble remembering New Mexico's captial, New York's and West Virginia's. West Virginia's is Charleston, I didn't put it in the list because I had to look it up.

I learned them by Deanna reading them from an atlas while I drove/sat behind the wheel in stopped I don't know if all of the spelling is correct.

I must have a 5th or 6th grade education now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Juneau. Not Juno.

This Alaskan-by-birth is just sayin' ...