Thursday, June 25, 2009

6/25/09: Day 242: Messina, Italy

What the hell is happening out there? More on that later.

Today was one of the new ports for us. We ported in Messina. If Italy is a boot and Sicily is a soccer ball, Messina is the spot on the soccer ball right across from the toe of the boot. Now, my ancestors supposedly come from Calabria, which is right on the tip of the boot. We pass this area a lot on our normal itinerary, so I kind of look out at the homeland every now and then. But today we had the opportunity to go there, and go there we did. When we first got there it seemed, well, a little crappy. After getting closer to the center of town it turned out to be a really nice little town. We ate and walked the boardwalk.

Along the boardwalk in the water we saw a handful of jellyfish…the kind with the long poisonous strands. Yikes!

So, I’ve set foot in my Italian homeland.

Now, what’s with everyone famous dying this week? Ed McMahon, Farah Fawcett, and now Michael Jackson? What the hell?

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