Monday, June 15, 2009

6/15/09: Day 232: Sea Day

First off, I didn’t even realize that I left the day number off the last three posts. Second…we’re winding down.

I think ever since we hit June and I had to start thinking about getting headshots and USA stuff going I have been in “home” mindset. Even though we have just under three weeks left we technically have four more mainstage shows, four more improv shows, and a contractual possibility of leading four more workshops. Usually we only have one workshop per cruise since things are so busy, but our last cruise will be a 14 day adventure with a few more sea days…prime time for workshops. We’ll see.

This week is my week for coming up with the improv lineup. If you comment fast enough you can help me pick the running order, or perhaps you think you have what it takes to do the full lineup. I’m taking requests. 7 shot form games make up the running order. Who all reads this?

It feels like a time for reflection. I feel like Deanna and I have become much better travelers with each other. I think I’ve relaxed a little. In the beginning I was more like my dad where I wanted to make sure we saw everything and I didn’t want to waste time stopping for food or anything that could be done on the ship later. I still like to get back to the ship with a nice buffer instead of waiting until the last possible moment.

Other things. If you are Prouty, Tara, Ries, Super, Shad, or Buster Bluth…not only have your parents been in our show (“Mr. and Mrs. [lastname]”), but you have been diagnosed with D.U.M.B.

Since this is our last cruise with this itinerary (we will hit SOME of the ports on the next cruise, but not all) we know exactly what we’re doing for the week. Malta=internet; Naples=funicular to park; Rome=Sistine Chapel; Livorno=Lucca (rain or shine).

You have very little time to suggest improv lineups!


Unknown said...

Larrance's Choice
Larrance's Choice
Larrance's Choice
Larrance's Choice
Larrance's Choice
Instruction Manual
Larrance's Choice

Crump said...

I don't have a whole lineup, but perhaps Naive Replay and Dimestore Novel will find their way into yours.