Saturday, February 28, 2009

2/28/09: Day 126: New York

Well…it’s all over. For Jen, Larrance, Brett, and Ryan at least. Yesterday was our last improv show. Ray the cruise director has always told us for the adult show that he didn’t care what we said as long as we didn’t say “mother f**ker or cock sucker” but last night he intro’d us with a farewell to the four who were leaving and said “Remember what I always tell you not to say? They are fair game tonight. The Second City!”

We didn’t quite go there, but it was probably our dirtiest show.

This time is different than our last contract. I remember some very sad goodbyes at the end of our last contract. Granted, we aren’t the ones leaving, but I think isn’t as sad to see the cast go because chances are we’ll see Ryan and Brett in Chicago, and fate demands that we see Jen and Larrance once a year.

This morning Deanna and I moved down into a crew cabin…the one Jen and Larrance were living in. It is organized so there is more open space. This means a smaller shower and bed, but oddly enough more closet space. It will take me awhile to adjust. There is much unpacking and cleaning to be done.

We already got a call from Ric, one of our new cast mates. Right as we left the ship they were getting very close to getting on.

So, today starts our brand new FOUR MORE MONTHS!

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