Saturday, May 24, 2008

More Bad Movies

Someone commented lately that Knocked Up, Juno, and Walk Hard are all good movies. I liked Knocked Up, haven't seen Walk Hard, and Juno is still a piece of crap. What movie then is just slightly better than Juno? You may be asking.

Indiana Jones and the This Movie Should Have Come Out 10 Years Ago (or something about a crystal skull). A friend of mine had an extra ticket to see the midnight showing of this on opening night. What does the ghost say? The ghost says "boo." And so do I to this film. On many levels. The lighting...particularly in the beginning...was AWFUL. Although they did come back to have a cool lighting effect in the tent when Indy is'll know it if you see it. Mutt Williams is the character name of Shia LeBouf...Mutt. Indiana Jones...Indiana is the dog's name according to his dad, so why would Shia's character be Mutt?

Lucas and Spielberg have lost it...well...Spielberg may still have it. I'll need to see something recent of his to prove it. Lucas wrote Indy 4 and Spielberg directed it. Lucas' writing for this movie is right on parr with Star Wars I-III.

You'll probably go see it, but it is advised to at least wait for video. I don't know if there was anything after the credits because at that point I didn't care.

"But wait, Rance. You said 'slightly better than Juno' right?" Yes. I could at least sit through the awfulness. Juno made me want to shut it off so many times.

If you like shots of Indy's hat and of him putting it on then you will LOVE Indy IV.

I'm going to get on and find out what Lucas and Spielberg movies are recent.

1 comment:

Tony Rizzutto said...

thanks for the critic. This means I'll love it if you hate it. I was going to wait for DVD but now I'll go to big screen.