Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Finally, Right?

So, I've been slacking on the blog. Not like Jen does, but enough.

Things have fallen into a steady pace here. Not a steady pace like the ship where its "I eat, go to gym, eat, go to snorkel in beautiful water, eat, go to show, eat." But more boring stuff.

I added a bunch of posts (5 or 6) below dating as far back as 4/11/08. Mostly just little blurbs with some photos, but they're there.

We're still working on moving in. Almost have everything accounted for. We have everything unpacked, but a lot of crap that we don't want is lying around. Which means craigslist and Brown Elephant (like Goodwill, for you non-Chicagoans) are a heavy part of our routine.

Um, I guess that is it.

I'm going to go have some popcorn that I love to eat.

1 comment:

Tony Rizzutto said...

so is "brown elephant" when you get rid of stuff you own and "white elephant" when you get rid of stuff someone gave you that you don't like?