Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Warmth? What's that?

One thing our new apartment lacks is heat. I'm trying not to worry about it much since summer is coming soon (winter goes straight into summer here) but I'm sick. I mean c'mon! It's April. Last night I woke up at 4am to cold, cold feet. MY cold feet.

On the flip side, today I got a new parking sticker and zone sticker for the car. We never got a city parking sticker (you're supposed to have one on your car if you park in the city...pretty sneaky, eh?) last year. The new ones come out in June and there is a late fee for getting one later than June. To get a city sticker and zone sticker (for parking on our street) costs $98...and we'll need to get new ones on 6/1. We were going to try to get by with temporary zone stickers and no city sticker until June...but we also got a ticket for no city sticker. $120. YIKES! So, $98 is cheaper than risking another ticket or two in the month and a half left.

I also put air in my bike tires and rode to Chipotle! It was THAT WARM! At least 55 degrees...maybe even 60.

Then Prouty and Kunkle came over for a couple of games of Settlers of Catan. Prouty had never played and was a little sideswiped by all the rules. But then he did better in game two and was one development card away from winning. In the end, he liked it.

The apartment is taking shape. If we do nothing else I try to got through a box a day. Shouldn't be long now.

I wish these birds would shutup, I hate birds and I hate sounds.

1 comment:

Jen & Larrance on a Ship said...


If you hate birds, then you hate fish. Fish are just underwater birds. And you don't hate fish because you have all those photos of them!

I think you might hate sounds. Not sound, sounds.


P.S. You need to Settle your cold/flu.