Monday, April 07, 2008

The Waiting Game

It is 8:36am. I'm usually up around 10:30 for whatever reason. The last three days I've been up at 9:00 to go to various things (shows, photoshoots, etc.) but today...Monday...I had to get up at 8:00am.

"But, Rance, why?"

Today we are getting cable, phone, and internet installed. All three from the same place. The beauty of it is we chose the 8am-11am window. Everything else they had available overlapped something we were doing.

It's a no win situation...kinda. If I get up at 8:00am (like I did) they will probably show up at 10:55. If I would have slept in they would have been buzzing the door at 8:00 on the dot.

Anyhow. Here I sit, syphoning a wireless signal from someone nearby.

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