Wednesday, October 10, 2007

ImprovAcadia: Belfast....and other glories

Originally uploaded by Rance Rizzutto Photography
Today was the day that Deanna left for Italy. She'll be back in two weeks and we'll be less than a month away from our journey.

Today was also the day that I walked to the L.L. Bean outlet. I packed pretty tight coming out here, but brought a lot of my photo stuff. Three bags in total. And I'm not going to make it back with the same packing...especially after purchasing Cities and Knights of Catan (expansion). Jen, Larrance, and Stuart (see pic) have all gone on the ships before and we've been "talkin' ship" a lot. I have a better idea of what I need to bring. Jen mentioned that the Bean had luggage, so I checked it out. They did.

I have a bunch of suitcases. What I was looking for was a rollerbag that I could fit my current suitcase into along with extra stuff and just check one bag. I found it. A black bag. The fun part is that all of the luggage (since it is an outlet store) is flawed in some manner. How was the bag I picked flawed? It was embroidered with "MASON" on it. I'm Mason now. All of the luggage had names or initials. I checked for some cool combo of letters, but MASON was what I settled on.

I also found three pairs of pants (no pleats!). Two of which had yet to be hemmed...which is perfect for a tall-y like me in a city filled with tailors.

5 shows left in Maine.


Anonymous said...

Mason is a good choice, because you're ma(my)son!!!-jc(mom)

Timmy Tapeworm said...

Let's hear it for tall-ies.

Also, your mom is adorable.