Tuesday, March 27, 2007

What Am I Doing With My Life?

THAT is the question. I'm still getting by with acting and photography but I feel like I can't give either the attention they need to thrive. If my career choices were plants, they both have a spot in the window, but I only enough water for one...when I split that water they stay alive, but they don't grow...right?

Deanna and I are doing a job that is the epitome of "acting" jobs. That's all I'll say about that one. Suffice to say at least it pays.

Today we finished up (almost) a student project we were acting in for the directors program at Columbia College. I say almost because a huge hydraulic hammer was driving steel foundation supports into the ground less than a block away and it could be heard in every take.

Other stuff is happening that is really hazy. More on that when the haze is gone.

Oh, I started a different blog through iO at http://blogs.iochicago.net/rance/wordpress/. It is and will be (since it has one post so far) a series of interviews of performers at iO. Mostly ones that I don't know, but also ones I do know...like Joey Bland. (Yes, Martin, I know him)

I meet the people during the day at a place they would normally be during the day (so I don't end up doing all of my interviews at iO). I record the interview and I photograph them. That's it. So tune in if you want to get to know some improvisors.

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