Thursday, March 29, 2007

Johnny Old Legs

So, about a week ago (the video sketch group I'm in) decided to film one of my ideas. It involved a lot of sprinting on my part...a LOT.

Like I said, it was over a week ago. Since then I haven't done anything too energetic...takin' it easy.

Today Deanna and I had a meeting and we went to the bus stop. Her coat looked like it had a huge stain on the back (we determined it was from being right next to a cheap coat all winter). She said "should I go put it in the car?" because we didn't think we had enough time to make it back to the apartment, we didn't want to go to the meeting in dirty coats, and the bus could have shown up any minute. I said "I'll do it. I can run fast!"

I go to sprint across the street and my muscles...for the first time in my life...say "yeah...right." I was able to do a "barely-jog". I stretched a little when I got back, but c'mon. It was the first time I really felt old. I've had aches and pains but nothing that I couldn't get through.

The slight irony of it all being that we waited another 20 minutes after that for the bus and ended up just taking a cab.

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