Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Hold Everything! (except that money...)

More on dentistry and the state of our world...

So, if you read the last post you saw I had to pay 50% of my $810 bill. And that all in all I saved $45. That, friends, is wrong. I got my bill from my insurance and they covered $165. That's it.

They cover $215 on crowns and $50 of that I have to pay towards a deductable. For whatever reason, when I got my insurance I read the list of amounts for services as "what I will have to pay" and not "what we pay".

Long story short, after I get my final cementing I will throw out the insurance. I have separate health insurance (that costs more and would hopefully cover more if, say, something terrible happened) that I will keep.

I remember back in the good ole' days when I had to pay...TEN DOLLARS A VISIT!!! And I remember thinking it was outrageous that I had to pay anything.

Hopefully I can get a menu of sorts from the dentist...prices of services and what not.

Anyone watching Heroes on NBC? You should. That show is great! The next new episode isn't until 4/23 so I'm sure you'll have a chance to catch up with reruns. Mondays at 9/8 central.


Anonymous said...

heroes is on during my 24! you can't make me choose!

Anonymous said...

I'm a Heros fan but I still don't know what's going on. I like Jerico too. Nothing tops Boston Legal though. - Dad