Saturday, March 17, 2007

Adventures in Coffee Grinding

I had a minor adventure today.

Yesterday Deanna and I walked to the grocery store (to get some seemed like the right place). We were only getting a few things and coffee was one of them. Faithful readers may remember the saga of going from soda, to buying 7-11 coffees, to buying a 2-cup coffee brewer. Well...the last time I bought coffee it was from 7-11...they actually sell their brand of coffee grounds. I bought it and brought it home...and tore out the seam when I opened it. Nothing a ziplock couldn't fix. But I didn't want to go back there and get their easy-to-destroy bag of coffee grounds. So, while we were at Jewel I saw what I was waiting for...a BIG bag of coffee. This was perfect!...until I got home and realized what exactly the big bold words "whole bean" actually meant.

Which brings me to my adventure today. I bought a coffee grinder. some photos along the way, so go check them out (Daily Photo...--->)

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