Thursday, September 29, 2005

Chicken Soup for the Soul

I just commented in someone elses blog about this, but felt inspired to repeat. The best show in the world, hands down, is AFV...America's Funniest Home Videos. I love this show. Doesn't even matter if it is a repeat or not (and Deanna knows that now).

The only stipulation is you need to watch it from a recording you have control over...VHS, TiVo...whatever. If you can skip past the hosting and get straight to the clips, you're set.

Back when I lived in Portland and worked a day job (a secret message to everyone still working there: "SUCKERS!") life was bleak. I could wait forever before I'd go in to work, couldn't wait to leave...took 2 hour lunches a lot. Didn't care for it...especially the meetings...ugh. Five days of this a week was enough to make me want to stab myself and anyone around me. Luckily, back then Fridays were the days that AFV came on.

I also had the benefit of doing a ComedySportz show on most Fridays, and that would come before viewing the AFV show.

They do these montages. All clips of the same kind of thing in rapid fire. Sometimes just as plain montages to music, sometimes as "28 _____ in 30 seconds". Some of the best ones:
- guys getting hit in the nuts
- dads changing diapers
- babies puking
- people running into clean glass doors
- pinata mishaps

At the end of a long week I would almost always be laughing to the point of tears and not being able to stop...and I would rewind the montage and watch it 3-5 times. I love it!

Speaking of pinatas. Deanna and I could throw possibly the safest pinata party after all the learning we've done. It would be called "here is an open bowl of candy, have some". There is no such thing as a safe pinata party.


tara d. said...

this stuff does NOT make me laugh anywhere near as hard as you, but the next time i see one i know i'll laugh because i know - somewhere - you are losing it.

Rance Rizzutto said...

It's probably because you haven't watched it where you can FFWD past the host. The hosts ALWAYS deflate the funny. They are there to ruin the show.

Anonymous said...

At one point, they had two hosts. One was a really hot chick, and the other was Donny Osmand, or something, anyway. They weren't funny, but at least she was hot and he had nice teeth.
