Monday, September 05, 2005

Been there...

Everyone else is posting about this so I will too. Ever been to a fancy birthday party? Where everyone goes a little overboard and wears costumes? Maybe all the guests get a gift?

Let me ask you this then, every been to a fancy birthday party where you convert you equestrian compound into a fake airport terminal complete with check in counter, fake security guards, fake flight attendants, fake tourists, fake harekrishnas, and a fake pilot? Only to find out you'll be going from the bar area through a fake front of a plane to an outdoor seated area? Only to find a fake American Idol contest between three friends of the birthday boy? Only to find out the third guest is actually James Taylor (Tailor?) who does a 90 minute concert just for the guests? Only to find that after that you go back and a building had an iron gate on it that says "Wonka", and out comes Willy Wonka (not Johnny Depp)? Only to follow Violet, Veruca and Agustus inside to a colorful candy filled Wonka Land (complete with Oompa Loompa Dancers)?

Well, I have.

I was one of the fake security guards. I got to "x-ray" items from the guests as they came in. 400 rich people altogether in one place. Must be nice.

The fun part was that I had guitar class the following day. The first class of the session. The teacher asked if any of us had seen any live music recently, so I got to say I saw James Tailor (Taylor?)...then she asked where and I had to go into details.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE THAT TYPE OF PARTY! I'd be sooo into it. Oh man. OH MAN. I'm gonna get rich and move out to Chi City to get to one of those SWEET parties.


Anonymous said...

9-28-05 - am behind on my reading. What a night this must've been. - M/BM

Rance Rizzutto said...

ummmm...I don't know if BM is a name you want to go by.