Sunday, March 08, 2009

3/8/09: Day 134: Sea Day

Our first “normal” week on this contract…no daily rehearsals. Normally I do laundry every first sea day, but I didn’t get the chance last week. I managed to do a couple of random loads, but if I miss that first sea day I run into the rest of the crew trying to do theirs. So, today I have a LOT of laundry in the washer. This also gives me 48 minutes to write and hopefully work on my Spanish.

This morning I woke up just a little before 11:00am like usual and told Deanna I was going up to get breakfast. Usually if I get to the main buffet right before 11:00 I can still get an omelet and some oatmeal…and if I miss that I can definitely go to the outdoor café as they serve breakfast later. When I got to the buffet right at 11:00 the ropes were up…what? They weren’t letting people in? But one of the officers moved the ropes and let people in. I figured someone had made a mistake. But…no breakfast stuff was there. To the great outdoors!

I got there and they still had breakfast but looked like they were close to shutting down too. I naturally assumed that they had started some policy of ending breakfast sooner. While in line for omelets there were two fratish dudes in front of me talking to each other. Both trying to seem cool to each other without going overboard. The first guy mid-conversation said to his omelet chef “Can you put some cheese on that bad boy?” A very subtle interjection of cool.

After all of this I got back to the room and told the story of the early closing breakfast. All she said was “do you know why they closed early?” That snapped an important piece of my memory into place. We were supposed to set our clocks ahead last night. Whoops!

Breakfast is normal, everyone. Nothing to worry about.

1 comment:

Tony Rizzutto said...

Ah Ha - I beat ya. I changed my watch the morning before the change. Of course I had to change it back but at least I knew about it.